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New Chase Freedom & Ink Offers

There has been some big news coming out of Chase as of late. Last week we heard about the Chase Ink Cash and Chase Ink Unlimited offers coming to an end soon, and now we know what they will be dropping to. We also now know that the Chase Freedom Unlimited and Chase Freedom Flex offers are not long for this world either. We also get a peek at what they will be dropping to, spoiler alert: not good. Let's take a look at all of this and what it means for you.

Update 4/1/23: These offers have ended. For up to date offer information click on the card names below.

Chase Ink Offers Ending

The fact that the Chase Ink Cash and Chase Ink Unlimited offers are ending soon isn't news anymore. Knowing that they will be dropping from 90,000 Ultimate Rewards to 75,000 UR is the new piece of the puzzle. This was kind of announced already, if you were paying attention at least, with the refer a friend offers dropping to 75K last week. Luckily the referral offer went from 20K to 40K too so it is still a good option for a two player household.

If you don't have a referral offer in your household, which prolongs the length of this offer a bit, then I would focus on giving it a go before the 90K drops. That is of course assuming you can get business cards, which you may be surprised about. Some over Chase 5/24 have been able to get approved for these offers too, but that is highly targeted and YMMV.

New Chase Freedom & Ink Offers

Chase Freedom Offers Ending

Doctor of Credit is reporting that Chase bankers received a memo about a change to in branch offers on the Freedom lineup too. What happens in branch usually tends to end up following online. So it is pretty safe to say we will see these changes to the public and refer a friend links at some point to.

Currently the Chase Freedom Flex and Chase Freedom Unlimited have an offer that gives you 20,000 Ultimate Rewards (or $200 cash back) after spending $500. They also have a limited time offer that gets you 5x / 5% back at the grocery store on your first $12,000 in spend during the first 12 months of card membership. It appears that this part of the offer is dropping off on March 19th in branch. How much longer after that is it happening online? No one knows but I wouldn't wait if you had your eyes on one of these cards.

I should note, if you carry one or the other it is possible to get the other one. You can carry both Freedom card products at the same time since they are considered different products and there is no Freedom family rule like with the Sapphire cards.

There Is Some Good News

Not everything is bad news though, I alerted everyone to the fact that the Chase Sapphire Preferred offer should be increasing to 90,000 points in the near future. That is news some have been waiting on for a while.

New Chase Freedom & Ink Offers: ToP Thoughts

It is sad to see offers going away but we rarely get a heads up on what they are going to. This looks to be just that, which should help you make a decision on what to grab next and what to prioritize. If you were in need of one of these cards then now is the time to get it for sure. They will be significantly less valuable in the very near future.

If you would like to apply for one or two of these and don't have a Player 2 referral you can support ToP by using one of our links in the our reviews of the cards. Here is a quick link to our reviews for each, thanks in advance for the support if you choose to use them!