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Chase Application Pop-Up

There is a new Chase application pop-up for some of their cards. This is eerily similar to the Amex pop-up that American Express has been running for several years now. Hopefully this Chase application pop-up continues to spread to other cards. It should help people realize if they are eligible for an offer before using a hard pull AND it opens up pandora's box a bit.

What Is The Chase Application Pop-Up?

As first reported on Reddit, the Chase pop-up seems to work just like the American Express version. When you go to apply for some Chase cards you will receive a warning, or pop-up, that says you are not eligible for the welcome offer on the card. This could be because of your current 5/24 status, or because you already earned a welcome offer on the card in the last 24 or 48 months (depending on which card you applied for).

With the Chase pop-up, you should be informed when you are ineligible for the the welcome offer and it will ask if you want to proceed anyway. If you say no, then the application will be withdrawn. If you say yes, then you will receive the card without a welcome offer.

Which Cards Have This New Feature?

Unfortunately, the Chase application pop-up is not currently set up on all cards. We don't know if it ever will be either. I hope they continue to roll it out to every card though, just like the American Express set up.

Here are the cards that currently have the application pop-up:

It sounds like it has been on the Freedom Unlimited for a bit now, and they just rolled it out to the Sapphire cards late last week.

Chase Application Pop-Up

Why This Change Is Interesting

Why did I say the Chase application pop-up opens up pandora's box a bit? Because it opens up cards to people that could have never gotten them before. This was always a complaint of mine with Chase. Why auto deny someone just because they couldn't receive the welcome offer? What if they didn't care, and wanted the card anyway? There was no way for them to do that, outside of a product change, which had its own set of limiting rules.

Now someone that is well over 5/24 can still pick up a Sapphire or Freedom card. You won't receive the welcome offer, which is a bummer, but it could still make sense for some. If you never plan on dropping below 5/24 again you can still have access to a few of the more desired Chase cards. Even if you wanted the Freedom Flex, for its rotating categories, you could sign up for the Unlimited, with no bonus, and product change to the Flex later on.

My Personal Experience

I decided to give this a try myself, for science and all. I am well over 5/24 and would not be eligible for a Freedom Unlimited card because of that. Since I have no plan on getting back under 5/24, I decided to give it a try. Who couldn't use more 5x earning anyway (at least eventually once I product change)? I eagerly awaited my Chase application pop-up, but one never came. The wheel spun for 15 seconds, or so, and I was then slapped down with an outright denial. I have seen reports of people getting this already though, so it is happening. But, it appears it is your mileage may vary (YMMV) for now. Hopefully it is just some kinks that Chase needs to iron out. If you have seen this pop-up recently, let me know over in the ToP Facebook Group.

Chase Application Pop-Up: ToP Thoughts

I think the new Chase application pop-up “feature” is good for a few different reasons. It lets people know when they're not eligible for a welcome offer so they can withdraw the application. Maybe they didn't read the ToP application rules guide close enough, or just tracked things poorly. Either way, this let's them pull out before they get in too deep with their application. The pop-up also gives people access to a few different Chase cards that they may not have been able to get otherwise. It gives us more options, which is almost always a good thing.

Let me know your thoughts on the Chase application pop-up over in the ToP Facebook Group.



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