Screenshot Credit Card Offers Before Applying
There is a concerning trend we are noticing in the ToP Facebook Group, especially when discussing the new 200K Amex Business Gold no lifetime language offer write up. It is the trend of forgetting to screenshot credit card offers before applying. I get it, this stuff is exciting, and sometimes you rush to apply when you are targeted for a great offer. You need to do your best to resist that urge though, and take a second to document your offer. There are a few different reasons for this, which I will go over, but mainly for your own peace of mind.
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ToggleWhy You Should Be Screenshotting Every Single Credit Card Bonus
This may seem like a no duh situation for many of us, but that is just because we properly conditioned ourselves years ago. For others, they still need to get that muscle memory locked down and remember to screenshot credit card offers before applying for a new card. Here are a few reasons why.
You Know Exactly What The Requirements Are
We often are asked what were the terms of my offer again? The best we can do is mimic what the public offer is, because we don't know what link you used. The offer may have changed since you applied too. That is why grabbing a screenshot of your credit card bonus before applying is important. Even more than that, you should be doing it for every singe type of offer you get. Whether it is a spending offer, a loyalty program promotion or a store promo – snip it all!
Have a folder on your phone, or preferably computer where I think all major applications etc. should be done, that you save everything in. I usually delete my screenshots once the offer has been completed and the bonus has posted to my account.
You Now Have Proof Of The Offer
While it is rare, complications can happen on any type of offer. That is why it is good to have proof of what you were promised to show people. This has been a life saver for me personally before. There have been more than a few times that I have needed it to fight a portal promotion payout. A couple of times I needed it to verify my bonus with the bank on a new credit card sign up too. It is rare, but it does happen. If you didn't screenshot your credit card offer, then you have no leg to stand on fighting for proper compensation.
What If You Forgot To Take A Screenshot Before Applying?
What if you jumped the gun and forgot to screenshot your credit card offer before applying? Whelp, I guess you need to send up a prayer, cause you're toast! I kid, kind of. All hope is not lost at this point, depending on which bank you are talking about.
You can always reach out after approval to confirm the details of your new application bonus with the bank. That can be done via chat with Amex, just give them a few days for it to populate in the system. You can also do this via secure message at banks like Chase. Some banks don't offer either option, which leaves you exposed a bit.
This actually isn't a terrible idea to do overall, and I regularly confirm my offer details with American Express via chat after approval. I wait until I receive the card, activate it, and then ask to confirm the welcome offer details. This ensures that their systems tracked everything correctly, since American Express seems to have the most issues in that department (or at least used to).
Screenshot Credit Card Offers Before Applying: ToP Thoughts
Taking a screenshot of your credit card offers before applying should become a part of your application process routine. It really should be a part of your process for any offer of value. That goes well beyond credit cards, or even miles and points. You need to protect yourself, at all times, to ensure you get what you are entitled too.
Let me know if you screenshot everything when grabbing a new card (or anything else) over in the ToP Facebook Group.