Travel on Point(s)

175K Amex Platinum No Lifetime Language Offer (More Targeted)

Amex Platinum No Lifetime Language Offer Color me lucky, a week after getting a very juicy Amex Gold no lifetime language offer I was greeted with another present in my email stocking. This time around, I was hit with an even better Amex Platinum no lifetime language offer. It is interesting to see them going […]

Turning a Hyatt Disappointment into Travel Compensation Success

Hyatt Reservation Issue I have a story to share with you all, which is a story about a recent Hyatt service issue. This is a more unusual issue, that I don’t expect happens often. I thought it would be helpful to share in case anyone else runs into a similar issue. There is no clear […]

Get $50 Off Dell With New Amex Offer

Dell Amex Offer There is a new Dell Amex Offer that can get you up to 20% off your purchase, or $50 in statement credits overall. This deal gets even better if you have it on a Amex Business Platinum card that has some Dell credit left on it. Why? Because the two offers should […]