Travel on Point(s)

Earn 5x With Chase Freedom Unlimited On PayPal Purchases (Targeted)

Freedom Unlimited 5x PayPal Offer There is a new Freedom Unlimited 5x PayPal offer being emailed out to a lot of (all?) cardholders for a chance to earn some bonus Ultimate Rewards. This is unexpected a bit, since it is normally the Freedom Flex that gets to have fun with 5x earning. Maybe this is […]

Targeted 250K Amex Business Platinum No Lifetime Language Offer

250K Amex Business Platinum Offer I am not jealous, not jealous at all. If you are lucky enough to be targeted for this 250K Amex Business Platinum offer I am totally happy for you. I swear! While this offer is not as good as the 300K offer we have seen floating around, it does have […]

IHG Credit Card Reviews: Which One Is Best For You?

IHG Credit Card Reviews IHG doesn’t get the same attention as Hyatt, Marriott, and Hilton. However, IHG has recently revamped their Rewards Club program and made some good improvements. During those changes, Chase and IHG also revamped the Chase co-branded IHG credit cards. In our IHG credit card reviews post we will look at the […]


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