9 Reasons We Avoid Booking Via Travel Portals Like The Plague
Avoid Booking Via Travel Portals One of the more hotly debated topics in the ToP Facebook Group is whether or not one should avoid booking via travel portals. Because of that I wanted to put together the Travel on Point(s) teams thoughts on the subject. People are often surprised when we say to avoid booking […]
Unannounced American Airlines Route Reductions, Hyatt Mr & Mrs Smith Promo & How To Opt-Out Of PayPal Sharing Your Info
ToP Roundup In this series I will share articles I found interesting from all over the web. These will be articles about miles, points, travel, finance and everything in-between. Hopefully this ToP Roundup series will give you some interesting tidbits and new information you may have missed during the week. If you see anything out […]